Monday, January 18, 2021

My Blissful Journey Blog ~ Revamp!


It's been a year since I have blogged for my personal blog.  It's been strange.  I miss it.  I saved my last version of My Blissful Journey but figured it was best to start a new version.  My last one was attacked by bots.  And with everything I haven't reported in the last year I didn't even know where to start back up.  I could go thru a bunch of stuff I have missed and make a huge crazy long post but won't.  Instead I will just move forward from this point on and maybe incorporate a few things along the way, I guess.

Some of you who follow me on IG may have noticed that I left my job of nearly 22 years in 2020 and moved onto a different field...Home Healthcare but on the Business Development side of things.  This change wasn't something I took lightly but it was the best decision for sure.  Prior to making the move I was dealing with major anxiety and depression.  I was diagnosed with GAD (Generalize(d) Anxiety Disorder.  I also developed Scalp Psoriasis because of the anxiety issues.

I totally LOVE my current job.  I started about a month before the pandemic.  What a time to start a new career, right?  But I am very grateful for the switch.  It was a life changer that I desperately needed. 

I have been a hermit during the pandemic because not only do I not want to jeopardize the health of my parents - I don't want to be part of the problem and spread it to the Healthcare Workers I work with and the clients.  I'm trying to lead by example, that is for sure.

After cleaning nearly every room in the house - and not really finding much on to watch - I have gotten into discovering new-to-me music as well as - more recently - gotten into playing Animal Crossing New Horizons on my new Nintendo Switch Light.  There for a while I was into The Sims again on PC but have been having problems with my account.

One thing that has been more consistent than anything is my activity on IG so I would love to connect on there if we aren't connecting already.

I will be adding more content here, trying to catch up with some products and such, and much more!  Thanks for jumping over to my new blog!  I might be tinkering with the layout for a bit.  Please leave a comment and let me know how things are going!